I have Backup Exec 2014 with Service Pack 1 running on a Wndows 2008 R2 server.
I was requested to restore contents from an old tape, from 2007 (not sure which version of BE was used then).
I was able to inventory and catalog the tape. As I could not restore it, I followed suggestion from another post and duplicated the backup set to disk. I can see the backup set now on disk, and I'm able to go through the file list on it, but any time I click to restore, I get an error message:
ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database on unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database.
I would not like to replace my current catalog folder with a brand new one, as suggested in some posts, to have it re-cataloged, as current backup catalogs work right.
Please help. It's so frustrating seeing the contents of the backup on the catalog, and not being able to restore it.