Hi all,
im trying to restore some files from a tapeset from other backupserver.
The tapeset was created in a BE12.5 just 2 weeks ago and consist of 4 tapes LTO 5
Now i have imported the tapes on other site to a backup 2010R3
1. run the inventar job
2. selcect one of the tapes and run catalogue job( ps do i have run a catalogue job on spicific tapes from the tapeset?)
That should be fine i think.
But unfortunately the catalogue job is abborted after 5 hours that the needed tapes are not in the index. But the tapes are in the lodaer and i had run the the inventar job before.
So i run the catalogue job aftre the the catalogue error on other tapes from the tapeset. I tooks only 10 min for 3 tapes which are missing in the error log.
But if i try to restore the BE says that the tapes are missing.
What Im doing wrong?
PS. the tapes are encrypted, but i have create the needed key for the tapes and that shouldn't be a problem because i see a part of data if i try to create a restore job.
Hope you can help me