Been getting this strange behaviour during restore tests - any ideas?
The data is restored then NBU realises its failed and deletes the recovered data from the VMware datastore. We restored the machine to a different data store and gave it a new display name and uuid.
The NBU account on vCenter was set-up according to the technote on what permissions the NBU account should have. There shouldn't be any problems there.
NBU=, VMware 5.5
Given that media server is actually MS Windows it is unlikley to find the file /usr/openv/netbackup/.rename.9488 because that is a Unix path.
sydbkup01.somewhere.gov.au = a media server
14:37:04 (4003253.001) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 2/4/2015 11:15:54 AM from policy HDC-VM-03
14:37:06 (4003253.xxx) Restoring to vCenter server sydvcntr01.somewhere.au, ESX host sydesx01.somewhere.gov.au, Datacenter /ZDC, Folder /ZDC/vm/VMware Infrastructure/, Display Name SYDBOX02_RESTORE, Resource Pool/vApp /ZDC/host/ZDC-PROD-WIN/Resources, Datastore/Datastore Cluster S01-V03A-T1-NR
14:37:12 INF - Beginning read-blockmap on server sydbkup01.somewhere.gov.au of client sydbox02.somewhere.gov.au, reading file @aaaaO.
14:37:13 (4003253.xxx) Executing Virtual machine creation on sydbkup01.somewhere.gov.au to server sydvcntr01.somewhere.gov.au.
15:10:39 (4003253.001) Status of restore from copy 1 of image created 2/4/2015 11:15:54 AM = the restore failed to recover the requested files
15:10:39 (4003253.001) The following files/folders were not restored:
15:10:39 (4003253.001) UTF - /S01-V39-T1-NR/SYDBOX02/SYDBOX02.vmdk
2/4/2015 2:37:32 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=9488) reading file list for client
2/4/2015 2:37:33 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=9488) Couldn't open /usr/openv/netbackup/.rename.9488 on client sydbkup01.somewhere.gov.au, status: 2
2/4/2015 2:37:34 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=9488) cannot put rename file on sydbkup01.somewhere.gov.au
2/4/2015 2:37:34 PM - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 12: file open failed
2/4/2015 2:37:34 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=9488) client restore EXIT STATUS 12: file open failed
2/4/2015 3:09:34 PM - Info bpVMutil(pid=11164) INF - vmwareLogger: RegisterExtensionAPI: SYM_VMC_ERROR: SOAP_ERROR
2/4/2015 3:09:34 PM - Info bpVMutil(pid=11164) INF - vmwareLogger: SOAP 1.1 fault: "":ServerFaultCode [no subcode]
2/4/2015 3:09:34 PM - Info bpVMutil(pid=11164) "Permission to perform this operation was denied."
2/4/2015 3:09:34 PM - Info bpVMutil(pid=11164) Detail: <NoPermissionFault xmlns="urn:vim25" xsi:type="NoPermission"><object type="Folder">group-d1</object><privilegeId>Extension.Register</privilegeId></NoPermissionFault>
2/4/2015 3:09:34 PM - Info bpVMutil(pid=11164)
2/4/2015 3:10:39 PM - restored image sydbox02.a1.asic.gov.au_1423008954 - (the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)); restore time 0:33:35
2/4/2015 3:10:39 PM - end Restore; elapsed time: 0:33:36
VMware policy restore error(2820)