Following is the error message in /var/adm/messages
ombs_bkp tldd[10218]: [ID 320639 daemon.error] TLD(0) unavailable: initialization failed: Unable to sense robotic device
ombs_bkp tldcd[10227]: [ID 498531 daemon.error] user scsi ioctl() failed, may be timeout, errno = 5, I/O error
ombs_bkp last message repeated 1 time
ombs_bkp tldcd[10227]: [ID 406877 daemon.error] TLD(0) mode_sense ioctl() failed: I/O error
ombs_bkp tldcd[10227]: [ID 498531 daemon.error] user scsi ioctl() failed, may be timeout, errno = 5, I/O error
Following is the output of "robtest"
user scsi ioctl() failed, may be timeout, errno = 5, I/O error
user scsi ioctl() failed, may be timeout, errno = 5, I/O error
mode_sense ioctl() failed: I/O error
Robot Diagnostics also fails at every step with the following error.
Communication failure with robot control daemon.
The output of cfgadm -al is the following for the failing drive and robot.
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c0::50014380160076e2 unavailable connected configured failing