Would it be possible for Symantec to provision a "log stripping tool" that can be utilised to automatically remove server and IP information from logging information.
We need log stripping tool to be able to clean up Log files & specifically the NBSU output to enable us to send required logs for troubleshooting, this needs to remove server names & IP addresses. Currrenlty when we have to send files for NBSU we have to manually remove all server and IP information, delaying the sending of the files across for interrogation.
The provision of a log stripping tool would greatly reduce the time taken to get logging information across for interrogation in relation to production issues. Meaning a quicker turn-around for production issues which in turn brings a hight customer satisfaction.
Other Info
EMC provide a clean up tool for logs they require and the process of getting required files across is much quicker and a far less manual process.