When tapes are loaded in the library, few tapes are automatically moving to "Unintialed" volume pool. We'll move those tapes to "Scratch" pool through the console.
I've written following script to move the tapes from "Unitialed" to Scratch pool.
if [ `vmquery -b -pn Uninitialed | wc -l` -gt 3 ]
for i in `/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -b -pn Uninitialed | awk '{if(NR>3)print$1}'`
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmchange -p 10 -m $i #10 is Scratch pool number
This scripts fails to move those tapes in some situation. But it is working After i've refeshed the "Media and Device Management ->media" in the Netback up console.
Is there is any command to refersh it throgh the script.? Hence that my script will work without any failures.