I have a VMware VM running W2K12 with BE2014 14.1 1786 installed. It has a couple of additional drives (std vmware drive type) attached for Disk Backup Devices (not DeDupe). The NetApp NDMP data is cyclic logs, similar to Exchange logs.
I have seen a few threads on this topic re BE2010, but cant find anything for BE2014... I assuming that the NDMP agent code has been re-written since BE2010. (?)
I have recently installed the Trial version of the NDMP agent to deteremine if its fit for our purposes. The backup process itself gets a decent throughput (3000mb/s), but the verify is only running at 170mb/s. I have setup a local backup of the C drive to the same Backup Disk device and the backup throughput is 4500mb/s and the verify is 9500mb/s, so it would appear that the Backup Disk Device is functioning correctly.
My concern is not only the slow verify, but also the posts re BE2010 and NDMP suggest that the restore is even slower. I have managed to replicate this issue, the restore back to the same location is 83mb/s.
Any troubleshooting ideas would be useful?