Vendor has replaced the faulty drive, given the new serial no., the thing is that when i updated new serial no. its showing updated in the Global data base.
When ever i reset the drive its showing Invalid Drive Number.
We are using Netbackup 7.5 latest version, OS is Linux media server 1 #1 SMP Tue Oct 2 00:16:30 PDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.
When i have checked from Netbackup end and OS level(tpautoconf -t) the output is same..its nw taking new updated serial no.
Moreover we are using storagetec liabrary, i can able to see the new drive serial no from SLconsole but unable to see from Netbackup end, when trying to do soo its not updating and throwing error
Any one can help me in sorting out this issue.