We are running BE 2010 r3 and are quicky running out of the 7TB space we use for B2D. We are looking at a Dell DR4100 that does deduplication on the fly.
I can't seem to find anybody that knows if I need to get licencing to use this device - or will BE just look at it as another "disk" to send data too? (All the dedup is native in the applience). http://software.dell.com/products/dr4100-disk-backup-appliance/
I know that 2010 has it's own dedup stuff if I buy the licence - but don't know if I need the licence since the external device does the de-dup.
has anyone used a DR4100? How good was the compression ratio? the Salesman is telling us that "conservitavely - 15:1 compression is normal but is often higher".
We run a Mon-Thurs incremental - and then on Friday a Full backup of all of our servers. We keep the data for 6 days. (everything is duped to tape also).
thoughts anyone?