Hello all,
Please let me know the compatability of Netbackup 7.0 with Redhat 5.5 machines.
While creating boot image on boot server(Redhat Linux 5.5) I am getting below error message and its asking only Redhat 3/4/5 versions,
not taking 5.5 version.
[root@BMRLINUX1 bin]# ./bmrsrtadm
Select one of the following options:
1. Create a new Shared Resource Tree.
2. Create a new CD image based Shared Resource Tree.
3. Copy an existing Shared Resource Tree to a new location.
4. Import a Shared Resource Tree.
5. Modify an existing Shared Resource Tree.
6. Delete an existing Shared Resource Tree.
7. List Shared Resource Trees available on this server.
8. Quit.
Enter your selection (1-8) [1] : 1
Enter the name of the SRT to create : linuxbootable
Enter the description of the new SRT : bmr test on linux
Enter the desired RedHat level (3/3.0 or 4/4.0 or 5/5.0) [5.0] :
Enter the desired architecture (i686 or x86_64) [x86_64] :
Enter the directory in which to place the new SRT [/export/srt] : /opt/Bootimage
Creating repository to stow files from distribution media.
The following media is required:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.0 (x86_64) - disc 1 of 5
Please load the media now.
Load media from (? for help) [/dev/cdrom] :
Mounting media ... ok.
V-125-380 /var/tmp/bmrmediaYBMBIR/.discinfo(2): expected "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5", got "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.5"
The loaded media is not correct ... please try again.
Unmounting media ... ok.
The following media is required:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.0 (x86_64) - disc 1 of 5
Please load the media now.
Load media from (? for help) [/dev/cdrom] : /mnt
V-125-51 cannot open "/mnt/.discinfo" for input: No such file or directory
The loaded media is not correct ... please try again.
Whether I have to insert each Server core CD's insted of one iso image CD.
Please suggest me.
Thanks and Regards,